Monday, 10 May 2010

Van Times 1

Here's a few shots of us riding up to the album launch last week for a great gig.
Cheers to whoever came down and thrived.
Pedro the van was maxed out and managed to hit his top speed of around 61mph.
You can really see the Gforces at work.

Listened to: Hey Bulldog-The Beatles

Monday, 26 April 2010

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Consultants of Swing....

Cafe 1001 pics

Photo credit: Nikola Milcic

Cha-Cha ist unt ze Blog


From now on we will plague this blog with all that is fine, mighty and dandy. All that is Cha-Cha but also all that Cha-Cha like and approve of.

Hit it up regularly to keep in the loop and send us anything Cha-Cha relevant or anything that might just interest us.

